Saturday, August 27, 2011

do unto others as they do unto you

I am a person that does things for others and hardly ever expect anything in return. But when I really need something Like a second job, my drivers license, or even want to go to school. Because I'm such a burden on people. Anything that could eventually make me happy is down the drain. Oh well I'll just sit back and not have anything. I wish people would stop asking me for help if all I'm gonna get is shunned for needing something. I also realized tonight to not look forward to anything because most of the time your dreams and wants are just going to shut you down! Like I want to have a good birthday... I never really have a good one anyways so why be hopeful, I want a puppy something I can have that's mine and isn't ever gonna turn its back on me, I want to go to school to have a future, I want my license so I don't have to worry day to day about getting to work, I want a good man In my life so I can feel loved. WHY!!!! cant I just be happy?!?!? I would like to get through one hole day with a smile on my face! I give up!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

She needs a prayer!

My best friend of 7 years just found out today that if she doesn't have her period by Thursday that there could be a baby stuck in her tubes.This is called a ectopic pregnancy. If that is so, then she has to abort it or shes gonna die. Shes really scared right now and I couldn't help but tell her Lindsey everything's gonna be okay! I can't help but cry at the moment, because shes like my sister shes closer to me than anything. I'm scared for her. Please pray for her she needs it. I told her I would be in town Thursday or as soon as possible so I can help her through it because gods knows that shes helped me through a lot. I feel for her, she and her husband Avron want a baby so bad and ready to move forward with there lives building a family and owning a house and such. This bad news is really breaking her heart.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

There is no use crying over spilled milk!!!

Have you ever been so irritated one day that you just don't want to talk to anyone and even if they try to be nice it doesn't fix anything or make your mood any better? There's so many things that are bothering me right now its not even funny! First one is, I'M NOT FIVE SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE I'AM!!!!!!!!! I'm almost 20 Years old my 5 year old days were 15 years ago so STOP! I promise there's only two things to vent about. I'm trying to be less of a negative person but it's really hard to stay positive when everyone around you except for the other three people trying to stay positive to. Here's Number two, One day without YELLING , ARGUING , or being RUDE would be FANTASTIC. Its all getting so over rated and it makes my anxiety shoot through the roof! There is no use crying over spilled milk. I'm not mad at anyone, it's me wanting to vent like everyone else vents except I know my blog doesn't talk back or compare it's self to me. As I always say "smile and wave boys smile and wave". On the POSITIVE side I got my phone turned back on today. And I have about 2 important photo shoots coming up one I'm getting paid for and the other is for a baby present. I'm Really hoping my business cards come in soon so I can get my name out there. I'm in need of a serious update of my portfolio.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

1 step forward 2 steps back

I finally have a job thank god, I never new I could miss work so much....but I did sadly. Starting to finally be happy once again then................. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA............. I guess I could just leave it at that because I really don't like talking about it. I just want to think happy thoughts and that I'm already ready for a vacation! ha ha Funny I just got back from one. Well kind of it was probably the worst one I've had in a long time. This summer has not been a good one. Lets just hope I can get one fun thing put into my new busy schedule. hA yea RIGHT SUMMERS OVER in what a week? NICE going Bridgette!