"Virgo's positive qualities are (I analyze), clarity of thought, discrimination, courtesy, service to others, wears there hearts on their sleeves, magnetic, smart,loud,practicality and self-honesty. Expressed in their negative form they become criticism, crankiness, timidity, pessimism, inferiority and hair-splitting.(I had to add some in there because she forgot a few.)
...To Virgos, love means surrender of the self, a mystery they prefer not to solve. So they channel its energy into excellence in work... and although these men and women offer gentle devotion, love's true meaning still sleeps within the Virgo heart."
I already knew the first paragraph, were not a sign that people should really mess with when were mad it tends to bring out the worst in us. When she says " love means surrender of the self ". I keep wondering what kind of love she means is it love of family or friend? If she means it as the "love of your life" sort of thing then I would have to agree. As if she means us as virgos give love but for us to receive it is like pulling teeth. Like we have to surrender ourselves to someone before we can really feel loved. Until that happens I don't think we have to much of a problem being alone I rather like being alone. On the other hand giving out love and helping others, brings us great joy. It was just something that I had to let my mind go loose on because my zodiac sign is a subject I could never get tired of.